Update On Lalor Fight Against School Mask Mandate

3 years ago

School districts are following Cuomo’s ridiculous guidelines to avoid punishment from the vindictive governor. That is understandable though I support the districts challenging the legality of the state’s actions in court. Regardless, Cuomo’s guidelines state, “Responsible Parties will need to consider and address developmental appropriateness, feasibility, and ability to implement such policy in a safe, consistent manner. Students who are unable to medically tolerate a mask, including students where such mask would impair their physical health or mental health are not subject to the required use of a mask."

If a parent states in a note that their child’s health is adversely impacted by the mask, the mask must come off. There is no requirement that school officials delve into the student’s medical history. There is also no requirement that the student has an IEP or 504 or doctor’s note to benefit from an exemption. If a district is adding those requirements that are not following Cuomo’s dubious guidelines, that is adding additional burdens on students and families and wasting school resources to enforce them.

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