Gender, Sex, Sexual Orientation, and the Kinsey Scale | MCAT 2021

3 years ago

The White Coat Investor's Guide for Students: (Ad)

In today's MedCat lesson, we cover gender, sex, and sexual orientation. You might be familiar with much of this information already, but it is worth reviewing. One particular test topic you might see on test day is the Kinsey Scale. Major takeaway: it is a scale from 0-6, where 0 = heterosexual and 6 = homosexual. We also cover different terms like what LGBTQ+ and its variations mean, as well as what the fundamental difference between sex and gender is—which may or may not be something you already know, but nevertheless a good reminder of knowing the academic definitions for test day.

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Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation | MCAT 2021
Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation | MCAT 2021
Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation | MCAT 2021

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