Hillary Clinton's Health: Why Didn't She Drop Out of 2016 Election?

3 years ago

Some time prior to the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton developed a serious illness: subcortical vascular dementia, perhaps related to Fukushima radiation poisoning. It was quite clear by her bizarre public behavior as well as her fainting spells. So why was she allowed to continue campaigning? Clearly she was unfit to serve as POTUS.

(There are some passages in a few clips where the sound goes out temporarily which appear to be in the original clip.)

Confirmation that Hillary Clinton is on Her Death Bed Fukushima Radiation Poisoning
Dr Lisa Bardack - Hillary Clinton has subcortical vascular dementia
Hillary Clinton Collapses in NYC During 911 Memorial
Hillary faints at 911 Memorial - A Message from Austria: DON'T VOTE HER
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