Reloading Bug-A-Salt’s SHRED-ER cartridge 2.0

3 years ago

Improvements to the ease, speed and cleanup of reloading the SHRED-ER cartridges. In this video I use Scotch Magic tape in place of tissue paper, allowing for faster application, and clean removal after firing. Allowing for rapid cycles of shooting, reloading.

Forgive the background wind noice in a few sections as I am still trying to figure out this video editing thing, I have new mics that are supposed to help but haven't gotten them to work yet :-). At least no angle grinder this time.

Please subscribe if you find this video helpful (I don't mind if you subscribe even if you don't find the video helpful.)

I would like to acknowledge the following YouTube members whose feedback brought about this reloading session/video.

Dan Diceman
Michael Wong

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