debate on SB24, a #StandYourGround in #Arkansas , democrat opposes bill

3 years ago

0175 Legislator redundant questions on SB24 Stand your Ground 1

Footage of the debate on SB24, a #StandYourGround in #Arkansas #Judiciary #House Committee
Gun Owners of Arkansas wanted the phrase "unlawfully present"
and other language removed from the bill. The #NRA, #ARGOP & #LawEnforcement lobby group, appears to have
kept conservatives in the dark as they did with Arkansas #CampusCarry. There are now closed door meetings regarding this bill.

#DutyToRetreat #Arkansas #AR #arleg #arpx #ArkansasHouse #ArkansasSenate #guns #gunrights #2A @2ndamendment @JanMorganMedia @2AWomen

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