Never Ever Be Afraid To Fail

3 years ago

What prevents someone from joining a Network Marketing company? One of the primary reasons is being afraid to fail. Add to that many people are afraid of other people seeing them fail. In my experience, failure is the ONLY way to win. You have to get good at breaking through barriers. You have to walk the rocks to see the mountain view.

That said, there are a lot of things I've learned along the way to help you

00:00 - Afraid to fail?
00:40 - How I failed my way to success
01:53 - To get a YES, you must be willing to experience NO
04:37 - To be ELITE, you must be willing to experience BEING CUT
05:57 - To have VICTORY, you must be willing to experience the AGONY of DEFEAT
07:20 - To find LOVE, you must be willing to experience a BROKEN HEART
08:37 - To experience GAIN, you must be willing to experience LOSS
10:08 - Two choices: Shrink or Expand
12:39 - The Pipeline: Fear Those Who Never Give Up
15:18 - Like and Subscribe

Some things to think about from this video:
- Always do an After Action Report
- Remember, "When I fail, I learn"
- You never lose. You only Win or Learn.
- Doing the Sales Pipeline is how your customers/reps are acquired

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★ About Tim Sales - Network Marketing Power:
Tim Sales is a 30-year veteran in Network Marketing. He's a million-dollar earner in multiple companies, he's been interviewed by Larry King and Grant Cardone, and now he's sharing his knowledge on how to build a successful network marketing business of your own, with real-world examples from his 30-year experience in the industry.

He's breaking down the industry into little bite-sized pieces, so you have exactly what it takes to really have success in network marketing.

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