Vaccine Injuries' happen

3 years ago

This is a video I hoped I'd never have to make. I'm sorry if the video is all over but there's so much to talk about and it's not easy to put it all together. I am not a professional blogger or speaker. I'm just a mom with a family and I'm fed up with so much going on, I had to speak up. I'm so sick of hearing about this vaccine and the powers that be trying to force us all to take it. People don't understand how this is seriously hurting people who have children who are injured from vaccines. We know what vaccines can do, and seeing this experimental vaccine being glorified is purely disturbing. People treat the vaccine injured as if they are the enemy. They call us anti-vaxxers and non-science supporters. Yet they forget, we once trusted, We once vaccinated! That's how we became anti-vaxxers. We lived through a situation that we can not ever unlive. My daughter suffered after vaccines. And everyone dismissed us even the professionals. I love science, but what we are seeing right now isn't science. It's almost like some of these people worship science. And yet they claim it's settled. If it's settled then why are people dying and being injured from your perfect vaccines and science?!? Stop telling us it's settled! And start talking about injuries and deaths due to these medications. If we don't start speaking out how will we ever find cures to these illnesses these vaccines cause? This video is such a small part of my story. I will add more and my daughter will soon speak out about what they did to her. I pray we can put it together in an understandable way. BTW we don't get paid to speak out. We get belittled and humiliated. But those pushing the vaccines and those pushing you to hate us, they make loads of cash! Blessings to all and much love

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