DAVINCI+ and VERITAS | SpaceTime S24E64| Astronomy & Space Science Podcast

3 years ago

The Astronomy, Technology and Space Science News Podcast.
SpaceTime Series 24 Episode 64
*Two new missions to study Venus
NASA has selected two new missions to explore the planet Venus. The missions known as DAVINCI+ and VERITAS will help scientists better understand how Venus became the nearest thing to hell in our solar system.
*Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder’s first glimpse of the Galactic Plane
Astronomers have used the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder -- or ASKAP -- radio telescope array to develop the most detailed map yet of a portion of the galactic plane of the Milky Way.
*Mars Ingenuity experiences an inflight failure
NASA’s Mars ingenuity helicopter has experienced a major whoopsie – oscillating back and forth out of control until finally landing safely following its latest flight on the red planet.
*Solar eclipse on 10 June
An annular eclipse of the Sun will take place on 10 June, visible from Canada, Greenland, the Arctic Ocean and Siberia.
*The Science Report
Mixing AstraZeneca and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines found to produce a stronger immune response.
Scientists dump the 14 day restriction on human embryo experimentation.
Fresh concerns over Iran’s undeclared nuclear activities.
A new study shows men really do think with their --- well let’s just say it’s not their brains.
Skeptic's guide to Britain’s obsession with UFOs.
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