Fauci Might Wanna to Lay Low

3 years ago

Dr. Anthony Fauci is under increased scrutiny following the release of his emails showing he may have lied about the origins of the deadly Covid virus. With todays’ ALG Minute, I’m Catherine Mortensen. This all comes as Fauci is set to release his new book with a media blitz to boost sales. His book, which is being published by National Geographic, is titled, Expect the Unexpected: Ten Lessons on Truth, Service, and the Way Forward. This may not be the best time for Fauci to be out on a publicity tour…. In the immortal words of Anchor Man’s Ron Burgundy: “Brick, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. You should probably find yourself a safehouse or a relative close-by because you are probably wanted for murder.”
Okay … murder may be a bit too much. But certainly, Fauci needs to held accountable. For more check us out at the dailytorch.com

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