Does Congress Follow the Constitution.?

3 years ago

Most of the Patriots that I know think that our Pocket Constitution is what we all consider the Law Of The Land... Not So..!!!
DC has altered much of our pocket-sized and ratified Constitution... Not using Article V, but by Supreme Court edict...!!!
When merely 5 lawyers in black robes say, the ACA is constitutional, they have altered the Constitution.! It became part of the Law Of The Land... & under threat of penalty and/or imprisonment we had to buy health insurance.
When they ruled in the 1941 Wickard v Filbum that growing crops for personal consumption, beyond the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 production allowed, & avoid selling it in regular public commerce- the very act of "NOT selling produce for commerce" actually was commerce & was in violation of the act.... setting the Commerce Clause of the Constitution on its ear.!! The Law Of The Land was altered forever.!!
These and more rulings of the Supreme Court set as permanent laws are part of the Constitution Annotated (CONAN).. and all of these nearly 3,000 pages of constitutional edicts are followed by Congress.
Congress can do nothing about it, except if they act through Article V... but they will not...!!!
But the States using Article V Can.!!! "WE THE PEOPLE" can restore the original intent of the Commerce Clause, the General Welfare Clause, the 10th Amendment (which the S.C. has ruled null and void) and more.!!
There is no recourse via the audit, republic review, nullification, or by petitions "Asking DC to Fix Itself" that can ever reverse these edicts without the S.C. reversing itself on dozens of "constitutional" rulings and enacted law... That's a lot of humble pie to eat...!!!
We can line up from San Francisco to DC- to stand in that line and wait for DC to get it right... OR WE CAN ACT- THROUGH ARTICLE V & restore sanity back into the Constitution and amend it as President George Washington said... as the Constitution prescribes...

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