MAJOR PENTATONIC Scale Guitar Positions - All 5 shapes

3 years ago

MAJOR PENTATONIC Scale Guitar Positions - All 5 shapes

here are five major pentatonic scale guitar positions and we often neglect all but one or two of them. Get all five of these major pentatonic positions down with this handy guitar scale exercise

This week's lesson is on the five major pentatonic scale guitar positions.

Some say that the pentatonic scale is the tastiest scale out there, but it's also often neglected.

It's easy to learn one scale position shape and move it around on the neck.

But sometimes we go years without filling in those blank areas on the fretboard where we know "good" notes exist.

Check out how simple this scale position exercise is, and how good it sounds.

I hope it inspires you to fill in some of those "blank spots" and that it leads you into some fun major pentatonic scale jams. :)

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