General Flynn: Unleashed, Unmasked, Uncensored and Unafraid * 2021 Patriot Round-Up

3 years ago

General Mike Flynn gives an awesome speech, holds a press briefing and holds court at a VIP party. The General spoke about every topic imaginable under the Sun;l The Russia Hoax, SpyGate, QAnon, election fraud, election audits, Fake News, the Deep State, Biden and the corrupt Marxists in our government. VERY INTERESTING!!!

FYI: The original audio had a few blank spots, so I had to go online to find another audio track to plug the holes. While fixing the audio I listened to this entire video 3 times — and each time I learned something new. Between General Flynn's personal stories and history lessons, there's also a lot of good DEEP STATE gossip and other good nuggets of information. If you're a Flynn fan like I am, you should really enjoy this video.

#PatriotRoundUp2021 #MemorialDay2021 #MikeFlynn

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