3 years ago

In about 40 years, when the restoration of the Bible is complete, the Kingdom of God will break up and consume the kingdoms of men, the meek will inherit the earth, there will be peace as salvation from evil men will be brought down from heaven. The Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ will reign over this earth in the last 720 years of His Kingdom before He delivers it up to the heavenly Father!

Are you suffering and need some help from God? The Lord has great help for you, but that help is so exceedingly abundantly powerful that He hid it for 1680 years 1 Cor. 2:7 because His plans were to only offer that help for 1,000 years in the Kingdom of Heaven. But the second age of the Kingdom is at hand and we now have it in part 1 Cor. 13:9-12 and I can assure you that He is anxious for you to begin to avail yourself of His help which will be fully available for the righteous dead and the righteous living in about 40 years Micah 7:15!

We were promised that the second age of the Kingdom of heaven would be at hand when the man of sin was revealed – the second great objective truth from God. When men understand the book of Job and his dealings with Satan the man of sin, it destroys the religions and bibles of men!

About 6300 years ago, we had the first preacher, Satan. Satan was the man of sin. Because Eve chose to listen to Satan rather than the Lord, for 6,000 years, men have been mediators between God and man - really messing everything up! We can't possibly do well as only the Spirit knows the mind of God 1 Cor. 2:11. "Let God be true and every man a liar." Rom. 3:4.

In the Garden of Eden with the objective truth of God, men had every spiritual and physical blessing and were exceedingly abundantly blessed Eph. 3:20. However, after Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden, humanity was cast into the Spiritual Dark Ages and have been forced to listen to men (not just preachers) to access God, which is the cause of human suffering Gen. 2:17; Jer. 10:23.

Here in the first book of the Bible we are to consider the suffering that Job had to endure in being forced to listen to Satan. He also had to listen to Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zohar representing the preaching of men in the patriarchal period, the Law of Moses (remember that Moses was a murderer), and the apostasy from Christianity from 340 AD - 2061 AD when the preaching of men was stolen authority from the King of Kings 2 Thess. 2:10! Don’t forget Job also had to listen to his wife. Eve was forced to be subject to Adam after they were kicked out of the garden because she refused to subject herself to the Lord. Humanity will always have to subject itself to men until we enter the second age of the Kingdom of Heaven where we will take the yoke and burden of Christ which is lighter and easier to bear than those of men.
Job, in the oldest section of scripture, was our example of patience James 5:11. Humanity was to hold on for about 6,000 years because for the final 1,000 years, divided by the great fall, Christ would rule over this world and free us from every wind of the doctrine of men John 8:32; Eph. 4:14. Objective truth from God is as high as the heavens above the truths of men Isaiah 55:8. It is exceeding abundantly greater than we ever could have imagined Eph. 3:20. For 1,000 years in the Kingdom, divided into two ages, Christians will have every spiritual blessing. Eph. 2:7 That in the two ages of the Kingdom to come He might demonstrate the unimaginable riches of His bounty in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus: rumble under n5rkss telegram @ purchase a New Testament: To support this work;
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