Overview of the World System of Bondage - Part 8 of 21

3 years ago

To pass into “heaven” one must have the heart weighed against a feather and if it is heavier than the feather (weighted down by debt, emotional charge, polarity and the other things we allow in this life) then passage is denied and the being is devoured. Please view the source materials available on the home page of our website. Page 53 -

Gemstone University presents a comprehensive presentation explaining how the world system is constructed to place all of humanity into perpetual bondage. It integrates many threads of law, history, esoteric symbolism and monetary system into a whole cloth that provides a clear understanding of the system as well as how to remove oneself from its binding structures.

Along with the education we have developed practical solutions for achieving freedom, privacy and the proper capacities to be able to have a real effect in changing the world system to one that works for all beings.

For more information have a look at our two web sites: https://www.gemstoneuniversity.org and https://www.panterrapca.org, and come visit us here regularly as we build this channel.

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