3 years ago


The only possible way of determining whether or not a subject will commit a murder or some other horrific act while under hypnotism is literally to have him/her commit one. Of course, this sleep hypnotism doesnt work on everyone & there is only a one in five chance sleep hypnotism will be successful with most mind control victims

This ‘one-in-five” individual -- can be hypnotized against his/her will with women representing higher success rates than men as they tend to disassociate easier given right brain left diferences in women & men, etc

The standard way to produce hypnotism with the mind control technologies is where the operator using chatter bots (special language AI software) ‘TALK-SLEEPS’ the victim, who relaxes into a semiconscious state after being targeted with theta waves & goes into a trance, talking in his sleep & answering questions

They place the mind control vicitm into the very highest state of relaxed semiconsciousness with chatterbox programming, psychic driving, such as thru Dream Modulation, Neurolinguistic Programming, etc. Hence they are able to walk the victim into a hypnotic disassociative state while forcing him to ‘talk-sleep’ over & over in a looping pattern

Then they make the test of Somnambulism, or deep hypnotism, to determine if the victim will talk back to them in his/her sleep without awakening. If this does not succeed, the mind control victim wakes up completely, in which case they simply repeat the experiment, increasing the frequency & amplitude of the stream of energy as needed knocking the victim out into a deep sleep or trance-like state

If they succeed, the victim belongs to the “one-in-five” club and the victim is just as truly hypnotized as by any other method, by desynchronizing (depatterning) the victims brain with trauma & then by resynchronizing it with a fabricated & falsified stream of electromagnetic energy

By use of the posthypnotic suggestion utilizing chatter bot software (thought & memory interface) programming they talk-sleep the victim through his her instructiuons, such as by saying “After you wake up I will tap three times on the table with my pencil. You will then have an irresistible impulse to take off your shirt”

The next trance is just that easy & the victim has no idea that it is the pencil or some other trigger which has just pitched her or him into an action or access sequence

Once a person has become accustomed to hypnotism, has been repeatedly hypnotized, it becomes very easy for any operator to throw him/her into the hypnotic trance

This electromagnetic hypnotism is based on cognitive warfare. So the CIA DoD operatives plug this gap again by hypnotic suggestions in the somnambulistic state which means the victim will have no idea he or she was just hypnotized by triggers so as to engage in some kind of verbalization or related action

So they then walk up the next day & sit down next to the mind control victim at work, school, church, etc., & start talking about, say, the latest boxing match when the operator/handler taps three times on the table with his pencil. Instantly the mind control victims eyes close & he/she falls sound asleep or into a trance like state, & is pitched into whatever action or access sequence the handler wishes, such as go here & do this or say that, including taking off ones shirt

While in trance the victim, say, sees a black dog come into the room, feels the dog, goes to the telephone & tells its owner to come get the black dog, etc. The dog is of course purely imaginary & the victim has no idea she has just taken off her clothes

They then straighten her out between two chairs & sit on her naked chest while she recites poetry. Then they wake her up . She immediately starts talking about that boxing match! A visitor to the library walks up to the table & interrupts her & tells her to please put her shirt back on & she has no idea what happened or why she is half naked

An simple example but similar to what happened to the girlfriend of Dr John Hall who was brutally raped each night - confirmed by doctors - by people who were breaking into her home who were actually government informant provocateurs. Each time, they would lock the door behind them after they had rearranged her furniture to amplify the psychological trauma. No one could figure out how they were getting in & out as she had bought the latest alarm system & dead bolted her doors, windows, etc,. turning her home into a semi-fortress

So, Dr John Hall secretly planted cameras into the apartment of his fiance to try & determine how the perps were getting in & out, raping her brutally each night. To his horror, he discvovered she was being hypnotized in her sleep to get up & unlock the door for the perpetrators to come in & brutally rape her each night

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