Recusant Nine Transmission | 1930hrs | 09:05:21

3 years ago

Welcome to Oldham | Where Fielding Fell and Wilby Failed & Senior Council Officers Are Taking Lessons on How to Take Showers Whilst in Jail

With the defeat of SEAN FIELDING and the sacking of ANGELA RAYNER, some may say that we have finished what we have started. Those that know us though, will tell you that we are only just warming up.

Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them

There have been multiple attempts by Neil Wilby to censor information within this transmission. Here are some of the links to newspaper articles that confirm the accuracy of my references to Wilby

1 Here are the links to Neil Wilby being described as a malicious blogger and also ordered to pay damages for libel

2 Here is the link to Irish Imy and his conviction as Dale Cregan's getaway driver being recalled to prison. Note reference in the article that he is a convicted heroin dealer.

Even Arooj Shah confirms of her friendship with Dale Cregan's Getaway Driver and convicted heroin dealer Irish Imy as shown here

3 Here is the link to Gail Grainger involvement in a gang arrested in a heroin bust. Note that one of her co defendants was her later husband Anthony Grainger who was convicted for handling stolen cars

4 Here is her reference that she was acquitted after the 4th trial in to the gang collapsed

4 Here is the link that confirms the car Anthony Grainger was killed by police in was stolen and that the criminals inside had gloves and balaclavas

5 Here is the link to information of the other criminals inside the car with Anthony Grainger

6 Here is the link to Irish Imy and his conviction as Dale Cregan's getaway driver being recalled to prison


By now many of you know of the risks that I face in sharing with you news that the Labour Party run Council want to keep hidden. If you find what I share of value, please consider buying me a coffee or donating whatever amount you can afford via PayPal.

All funds received go towards keeping the weekly RECUSANT NINE TRANSMISSIONS broadcasting.


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