Fight for Life & Religious Freedom Surges Forward

3 years ago

At the ACLJ, we are fiercely dedicated to the fight for religious freedom and protecting the lives of babies waiting to come into this world. Under these things falls something called "conscience rights," federal protections for health care professionals who have moral or religious objections to providing certain medical care, including abortions. Recently, we saw a major victory regarding a case like this. As we've written, "Despite the almost daily ominous rumblings we hear out of Washington about the Biden Administration’s reversal or watering down of the pro-life policies of previous Administrations, it’s important to note that when it comes to conscience rights of pro-life employees, all is not lost – at least not yet. Conscience laws that have been on the books for years are still on the books and pro-life healthcare workers and others should not hesitate to use them."

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