shout out to alex berenson in my mj hat (throwback)

3 years ago

ya like my reversible mj hat
80s atari fuck yeah
any good pothead has to have marijuana related attire
your affection for mj cannot be trusted w/out hats, socks, shirts, rap albums
all the states that legalized weed_______
fetanyl overdoses, er visits, psychotic break downs, "scromiting"
anything is potsibble with george soros
adverse effects when you smoke too much pot
this thing that i looked forward to all the time
this is what i do so i don't do other things
habit, what you do when you dunno what else to do
God put weed on the planet to strengthen our spiritual foundation and enhance creativity
opium is put on the planet to reduce pain
many would rather be distracted than be on an opiate
nobody needs medicinal marijuana
the one time i did black tar heroin
i thought that i was a motherfuckin flower
we have no choice but to misuse/abuse drugs in this country

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