What's so Grand about the Grand Staircase? - Dr. Steve Austin

3 years ago

This video segment is from "Beyond Is Genesis History? Vol 1 : Rocks & Fossils," the follow-up to our feature-length film where we explore the impact of the global Flood on the Earth. Check it out on our website: http://bit.ly/BIGH-1.

We follow geologist Steve Austin and Del Tackett to Arizona where we can see the Grand Staircase, a thick stack of rock layers which are visible as sets of parallel cliffs above the Grand Canyon. He then explains how the history of the world is best viewed through a Flood geology model as a five-step process: Sedimentation, Tectonics, Erosion, Volcanoes and Exponential decline. Steve then talks briefly about his experience as a creationist geologist.

Dr. Austin is a field research geologist who has done research on six of the seven continents of the world. His research has taken him by helicopter into the crater on Mount St. Helens, by bush plane onto glaciers in Alaska, by raft through the Grand Canyon, on horseback into the high Sierra, by elevator into the world’s deepest coal mines, by SCUBA onto the Great Barrier Reef, by rail into Korean backcountry, by foot onto barren plateaus of southern Argentina, and by four-wheel drive into remote desert areas of Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Dr. Austin received his PhD from Pennsylvania State University in sedimentary geology.

For more information on Dr. Austin, please visit: https://bit.ly/34i18pj.
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