My discovery in particle physics

3 years ago

This is a small part of my discoveries in particle physics.
Please feel free to debate here.
I tried posting my formula on popular physics forums but was banned because I do not use Euclid nor do I subscribe to the insane idea that photons or superstrings exist.
DeBroglie waves can and do unify field theory using a simple equation based on a projectively geometrical system, root of all geometries;
3 spheres lined up inside a 4th. You get 8x remaining just like they use 8x for the Bohr atom relationship between mass quanta and a 90 degree curve multiplied in 3 directions to describe 3d space with complete orbits.
In FACT; the electron is a pawn to electron neutrino pressure and it takes 2 different electrons, one of positive, one of negative poles, to explain atoms as others have proven. This can all lead only to my model I call progressive kinetics.

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