Gene Decode Jesus Christ Clone, Anti Christ, Pet Goat, The Jab

3 years ago

In this video Nicholas Venemin talks about ways that you can protect yourself against the vaccine.

Here is some info on Gene's background. Gene has come forward as a whistleblower with information regarding the liberation of deep underground military bases and the emancipation of human trafficked children from these bases. His father was a scientist for Martin-Marietta and Gene grew up hearing about covert military operations. Gene is a Navy Veteran working in electronics on submarines within special forces. He also is a Vietnam Veteran.
Because of the nature of his expertise, Gene was privy to high military clearance sometimes higher than some of his commanding officers. Gene served for 21 year in the military. He has a background in martial arts. With a strong desire to learn more about the human body, Gene researched holistic medical practices, acupuncture and the science of herbal medicine, much of it through a Chinese healing arts foundation.

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