Dear Everyone Regarding The "Shit Storm" May 30, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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Dear Everyone Regarding The "Shit Storm" May 30, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

There was never any reason for a second Declaration of Independence. The first one did a masterful job and it still stands today.
Any presumption otherwise was brought forward because of a false claim made by agents of the central banks, and so, Teri and others joined together to reply to the nonsense being pushed by the bankers who were at that time trying to claim that our Government no longer existed and all our assets were subject to "claim on abandonment" by the Creditors of the US CORP. They returned their answer exactly as Teri Hinkle describes; I was present and heard the debates and the acrimony with Tim Turner and RuSA over the whole thing.
And I was shaking my head through the whole thing, too.
U.S. Citizens can't speak for Americans--- even if they were born and raised in America, their registered political status prevents them from having lawful standing under international law. At most they have a limited legal custodial interest in specific properties.
The actual issue was decided many years prior to the flap in 2012, and all that was really necessary was to remind the High Courts of that fact.
Which we did.
What nobody grasped then, and what you are still failing to grasp now, is that the Constitutions are still intact, The Declaration of Independence (original) is still intact, even The Articles of Confederation are still intact.
What has changed is your own political status. You have been registered as a Brit, and as a Brit, you have no rights as an American.
It's like when you are sitting still in an automatic car wash and it seems that your car is moving when it's not.

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