YouTube Hates Their Creators and Will Defame Channels As They See Fit

3 years ago

YouTube is AIDS incarnate. My apologies, this will be light on actual news, but rather a verbal dissertation as to the wayward application of Community Guideline Strikes on the World's Largest Video Hosting Platform.

My video (about Arizona and Doug Ducey being an ass) was hit with "Medical Misinformation". From what I can tell, it was taking issue with the offhanded site of Texas doing extremely well under the laxed restrictions of Governor Greg Abbott.

Let's go through the wonderful COVID-19 Guidelines for YouTube. What you can say, what they recommend you do not talk about, and what strawman examples they have as example phrases that are verboden.

Also, I'm looking for a bit of input for the direction of the channel. Content, potential content, schedule and other ideas are welcome!

YouTube's Guideline:

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