Homeland Security Considers Plan to Admit Trump Deportees using Taxpayers’ Money

3 years ago

I’m Catherine Mortensen. Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) met with an open-borders lobby to consider a plan to bring back many of the more than 935,000 illegal aliens that were deported under the Trump administration. According to the National Immigration Justice Center, the plan could be enacted by an Executive Order that would allow deportees to submit a request to return to the United States. The order would grant DHS waivers to deportees that have not been convicted of a felony or three misdemeanors. Given that similar provisions are mentioned in the administration’s amnesty plan, it is very possible that officials within the administration would be supportive of the plan. Today, there are roughly 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the U.S. and 42 million foreign nationals south of the U.S.-Mexico border who have said they want to migrate to the U.S. This is a foreign population that is nearly five times the population of New York City.

Source: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/05/31/report-joe-bidens-dhs-bring-deported-illegal-aliens-back/

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