ARGUING WITH REDDIT... again! (about gaming, music and movies) | MIXED MEDIA PODCAST 011

3 years ago

Game developer Nathan Nestor, Composer Ben Costello and Filmmaker Irving Nestor react LIVE to hot takes from Reddit, YouTube and other platforms. Tune in live to drop your own comments for us to react to in the chat!
#Reddit #AskReddit

Mixed Media is a LIVE podcast broadcasting every Friday at 7PM on YouTube and Twitch. We love integrating our live audiences into our show so SUBSCRIBE to get notified for the next stream to join the conversation.

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00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:58 Epic Games spent ONE BILLION on exclusives
00:08:57 What makes music NFTs valuable?
00:14:07 "JOKER" hot take
00:16:11 Is Keanu Reeves even good?
00:17:13 Ewan McGregor VS Alec Guinness
00:20:22 Is coding as easy as copy/ paste?
00:26:50 Piano is the BEST INSTRUMENT
00:32:07 Terrence Malick: LOVE him or HATE him?
00:38:02 An aside about "A Hidden Life"
00:39:27 Is the NINTENDO SWITCH overrated?
00:46:03 Erich Korngold VS Max Steiner
00:50:30 What is the purpose of "Tree of Life?"
01:00:59 "Musicals are an absolute BS form of Cinema"
01:09:45 Can a film really change anything?
01:16:25 Gaming as an artform
01:21:49 NEWS: Gaming
01:23:32 NEWS: Amazon BUYS MGM Studios
01:26:27 How Amazon got DESTROYED in gaming
01:28:06 NEWS: AMC mooning! The effects.
01:31:21 NEWS: Gamestop foraging into NFTs
01:33:06 Conclusion

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