Racist Chicago Mayor - NY DA out to Get Trump

3 years ago

Chicago’s mayor refuses to give interviews to white reporters

Chicago’s mayor declared that she would only grant one-on-one interviews to minority journalists to protest the lack of diversity in the Windy City press corps.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot, the first black woman and openly gay person elected to run that city, confirmed the move Tuesday after members of the local press took to Twitter saying they had been denied interviews based on their skin color.


Racist Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Sued by Judicial Watch for Denying Reporter Interview for Being White

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot was sued on Thursday by Judicial Watch on behalf of The Daily Caller after she denied reporter Thomas Catenacci an interview because he was white.

Lightfoot announced her racist policy last week. She proudly declared she will openly discriminate against white reporters to only allow “black and brown” reporters interviews.


Hunter Biden Law Firm Tied to NY DA Investigating Trump

Well, isn’t this interesting. Follow the bouncing ball.

Various headlines in the anti-Trump media are saying things like this one in the Washington Post just a few days ago:

Prosecutor in Trump criminal probe convenes grand jury to hear evidence, weigh potential charges

The story said, in part, this, bold print supplied for emphasis:

NEW YORK — Manhattan’s district attorney has convened the grand jury that is expected to decide whether to indict former president Donald Trump, other executives at his company or the business itself, should prosecutors present the panel with criminal charges, according to two people familiar with the development.


NY DA Trying to ‘Pin Crime’ on Trump, This is ‘What Happens in a Dictatorship’

“The AG of the state ran on the unusual platform of, ‘I’m gonna get Trump,’” Giuliani said. “And the DA works very closely with her. This is a vendetta. It should be illegal, if it isn’t illegal for a prosecutor to conduct a witch hunt investigation to try to find a crime on you.”

“‘I’m going to look at his whole life and see if I can pin a crime on him,’ that’s what they’re doing to Donald Trump,” he said.


Democrats Destroyed New York Once. They’re Doing It Again.

During the 1980s, the place where George Washington stood with his men as the Declaration of Independence was read out loud, had become a grimy hellhole full of junkies, crazies, and muggers.

City Hall Park, nestled between the Woolworth Building, once the tallest building in the world, and the modest capital building of what had been the greatest city in the world, had become the tragic symbol of its decline. Under Democrats, the park was dirty and unsafe during the day, and even worse at night. Tourists couldn’t believe that junkies and muggers prowled right outside the halls of city government.


Rudy Giuliani's son announces run for New York governo

Andrew Giuliani, the son of former President Trump's personal attorney and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, announced on Tuesday that he is running for governor of New York. It could set up a battle with incumbent Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo, who has been in office since 2010.


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