Dogecoin - Putting the 'currency' into Cryptocurrency

3 years ago

Dogecoin - Putting the 'currency' into Cryptocurrency. I entertained the idea, what would stabilize Dogecoin? What would give it usage? What your spread around the liquidity so these massive spikes and dips stop happening? Use it for what it is ideally suited a means of trade....a currency.

It already has several very big things going for it to allow it to be more widely accepted as trade:

Name recognition. Doge is spoken of in the same sentences as Bitcoin and need to reinvent the wheel here, everyone already knows about it.

Celebrity endorsement. Who on the planet has not heard of Elon Musk? And Elon likes Doge? Wow, maybe there is some 'there' there.

It's usage as a currency, instead of just a speculation, will apply inherent value to it and allow it to increase in value through usage, not just hype.

I believe the stars have alligned here to have the very first, accepted the world over, functional cryptocurrency that can be used for day to day purchases. Merchants are already coming aboard. "Doge Accepted Here" signs are already showing up. If there was ever a chance to get away from fiat, this is it!

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