Tinnitus And High Blood Pressure -Dr. Joel Wallach Radio Show June 1,2021

3 years ago

Tinnitus And High Blood Pressure -Dr. Joel Wallach Radio Show June 1,2021
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Air Date: Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing the COVID 19 numbers of infections and deaths. Stating the numbers are starting the level off. But warns there could be another wave as society starts to open up again. Contending people who eat gluten will have more negative outcomes. Because the gluten has killed their bone marrow reducing white blood cell levels.
Pearls of Wisdom

Dr. Wallach continues discussing the COVID 19 numbers.

Teresa has several health challenges including tinnitus, high blood pressure, vertigo, balance problems and fatty liver disease.

Ken asks Doc why the COVID 19 is so bad in India.

Shelton's wife has chronic high blood pressure and wants to get off of the medications.

Roy has a friend with kidney disease and is on dialysis.

#tinnitus #HBP #vertigo

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