Interior Freedom V

3 years ago

As a careful spiritual guide, terms are defined. When faced with negative situations there are three ways to respond. Frankl also noticed a similar response though he characterized the responses in a clinical manner.

Rebellion= we do not accept ourselves as we are, we do not trust God in how He has permitted the circumstances, thereby a rejection of objective reality. Despair, violence, resentment are the fruits.

Resignation= a feeling of powerlessness which if not moved beyond produces sterility. Eeyore type of attitude. Always wanting to hear the negative of something, see a problem in others or other events.

Consent= chooses to trust in something positive may result, this hints at hope. Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Heb 11:1 Hope propels one to trust God, that He can bring good out of any situation. This trust or faith in God is rooted in our love of God. Though objective reality of consent is the same with resignation, the interior disposition of the heart is radically different.

Openness to God’s grace = fruit is faith, hope and love

See this in new fascist social movements. Inherently rebellious. No peace, no beauty, no joy.

Gandhi there is a hope in his actions. Not resignation, inherent belief of acceptance of what things are movement to a better society.

Children severely wounded raised without God are Cosmic orphans.

Fr. Phillipe restates thesis statement, “Love and only love can overcome evil and draw good out of evil. Growth in faith, hope and love is the only pathway to freedom.”

NB the word only. For both and theologian and a mathematician, this is significant.

Acceptance, God is realistic
1. Accept Ourselves. St. Therese truly stated when she read about the lives of the great saints, she felt like a grain of sand. Was God not available to her? Therese sought a sure and quicker way, like an elevator, to get up the stairs of heaven. She chose to let God act in her smallness. Margaret Mary of Sacred Heart or St. Faustina of Divine Mercy reiterate the same point. Jesus is really honest when He says apart from Me you can do nothing. He already knows we need help

Fr. Michael Gaitley Consoling Heart of Jesus, Do It Yourself Retreat.

Born and baptized Catholic very blessed, souls exist without being introduced to Him. Embraced law without recourse to grace or heavenly Father. Law becomes heavy without grace.

People shackled themselves with a Law apart from the Father and grace.

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