Altar created as t work? Yes!

3 years ago

Here is a quick hidden altar I decided to create. This can be recreated at work, school, in the dorm, even if your family members think altars are weird (uncool 😆)

This altar has crystals, affirmation cards, oracle cards. Sprayed with essential oils.
Set the intention for your altar to work for you even when you're not consciously doing any work.

The beautiful fabric is the same I use in other altars (including the camping altar I created, video soon). I bought a yard of this expensive golden fabric. Since gold is abundance and I was not sure what to o do with the fabric, I used putting it in my manifestation altar. I then decided to make it final and cut the big fabric into different sizes that I can use in different altars. My intention is to have the different altars connected to each other and the fabric sets the tone for me, and soon enough, my family.

Much love,

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