Daily Diligence is the Difference Maker | The Early Career of Dr. Robert Zoellner

3 years ago

Daily Diligence is the Difference Maker | The Early Career of Dr. Robert Zoellner

Dr. Zoellner shares how he went from being a dishwasher to becoming a successful Tulsa-based tycoon. In route to achieving success, Dr. Z worked 7 days per week for 3 years.

Step 1 - Determine a goal
Step 2 - Delay gratification
Worked at Applebee’s, Target, and DirecTV
Step 3 - Focus on core tasks until success
Step 4 - No when you have hit your goals and give yourself permission to pivot

NOTABLE QUOTABLE - “If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else.”- Dave Ramsey (The talk show host and financial coach)

FUN FACT: “Consumers now spend over 50% of their day connected to media reaching 12 hours and 20 minutes.” - https://www.nielsen.com/us/en/insights/report/2020/the-nielsen-total-audience-report-april-2020/

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