Interior Freedom I

3 years ago

A setup of the relevance of the book for our times. Inalienable rights, inalienable freedom. Chose to ignore but always there.

Biography- Born March 12, 1947 Lorraine France, studied mathematics in college. Educator & researcher.
1976 Met the Newly founded Community of the Beatitudes

Spent several years studying in Nazareth and Jerusalem learning the Hebrew and Jewish roots of Christianity

Ordained in 1985 began work as spiritual director.

Community of the Beatitudes = The Community of the is an Ecclesial Family of consecrated life founded in France in 1973. The Community of the Beatitude gathers faithful from all states of life (married or unmarried lay people, seminarians, priests, permanent deacons, men and women consecrated in celibacy) who wish to conform as closely as possible to the model of the early Christian community through the common life, the sharing of goods, voluntary poverty and an intense sacramental and liturgical life. The members of the Community (which has a contemplative vocation based on Carmelite spirituality) are actively engaged in the service of the poor and the proclamation of the Gospel.

Fr. Philippe frequently gives retreats and spiritual direction

During Fr Phillipe speaking engagements, he brings a translator due to his reticence in speaking English as his second language. To my hear, he speaks quite well. This individual is familiar with Fr. Philippe explanations and insights which shows in the text. The command of the English language by both Father and the translator is evident in the translation. is an example

II Translator from French by Helena Scott. Excellent work. Concise and accurate.

III Publisher Scepter Press, Opus Dei. Opus Dei is reliable in Faith & Morals. 400,000 copies of his collected works and in 18 languages. Themes of prayer, interior freedom, and peace of heart.

French articulate spirituality to common man. De salles and Phillipe speak to the every man. Practical. Simple but not easy.

Jesus spoke to the children & doctors. Fr. Follows in gifted vein of deep spirituality with simplicity of language. Therese’ compares as well.

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