Freedom Rally 29 05 2021 London, England. One Million people

3 years ago

So the MSM says a few hundred attended. I was there. 1m people + and the MSM owners have an agenda against YOU. Their agenda is you and TAKING your rights.

Who gave you your rights? The English

The Magna Carta 1215 ? English (Not British)

The Magna Carta 1297? English (Not British)

The Charter of the Forest of 1217? English (Not British)

The Observance of due Process of Law 1368? English (Not British)

The Petition of Right 1627? English (Not British)

The Bill of Rights 1688? English (Not British)

The Coronation Oath Act 1688? English (Not British)

The Crown and Parliament Recognition Act 1689? English (Not British)

The Act of Settlement (1700)? English (Not British)


The Acts of Union, political union the supra national state, the DEVIL's seed of Globalism)

The Union with Scotland Act 1706
The Union with England Act 1707

The last act of an English Parliament 1706 -

But the acts of union and the rights afforded to the English before are still law. Those rights include FREEDOM to trade and travel and no BRITISH Parliament can take those rights. Ever!

Now void the Acts of Union and VOID the British Supra State. Bring back the Counties, Districts and Parish Councils, distributed government. The same system that America was built on, America is the greatest nation on earth because the USA is England's BIG brother. The Americans have freedom in their veins, it came from the ENGLISH Constitution. The English Constitution is the key to FREEDOM and bringing God back to England, Wales and Scotland.

Kill Globalism, Kill Corruption, Kill the British Supra National State.

Then, FREEDOM will return.

FIGHT BACK www.TakeBackControl.Vote

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