Patriots - Memorial Day

3 years ago

I found a flag on the ground on Veterans Day while visiting my fathers grave - he was a Sergeant serving in Europe and the Aleutians during WWII. The flag was torn, muddied and grass-stained. I took it to my Friday Night Group later that day and told these boys the story; I was amazed at the attention this received. They did a very good job of washing the flag but it was too badly damaged, and, some being scouts, they retired it with honors and took it to their next meeting to be properly disposed of in a dignified way - their suggestion. I am very grateful and have never been more proud of them.
They are not in uniform as we had no idea I was bringing the flag with me that night and that also explains the poor video quality. Thanks again boys and my dad is smiling down at you I'm sure.
Thank you for watching.

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