Manual Photo Editing or AI-Powered Photo Editing:Which one is better for Real Estate Photo Services?

3 years ago

Technology aims to bring a lot of convenience in what we normally do on a day-to-day basis. In fact, when we look around us, there is some form of technological advancement that has turned the manual and repetitive tasks into fast and easy ways. Our phones, computers, and even applications all contribute to this continuous evolution of improvement. In the real estate business, there had been advances throughout the years as well. Cameras and photo development used to be cumbersome in nature, beginning with the models that used a single flash bulb, to the ones that use gunpowder, all the way to the film-based camera and finally the digital versions we know today. Real estate photo services have also adopted throughout the decades from the methods of the dark room to what we now know as photo editing through software. The question is though, what’s next?


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