Magnetic In-Line JoeCell restructuring Ocean Sea Water into Fresh. 2nd Camera view

3 years ago

This video is where I Video Rebecca doing her own promotional Video as she has clients in the USA who are interested. See her vid here.

The second half of this Video, also shows Joe reversing the Field in the Magnetic In-Line Cell, to then make the Water several times MORE Salty than the original Sea water.

Joe can literally program the Ferrite Ring Magnets to "preform" or restructure the Liquids being pumped through the Cell. Any Contact with another magnet, in this case, a Neodymium, takes the Field to the NEXT FORMAT. Water displaying 4 such "Field Polarities" which are like a Polarity Bias. The two Polarity Bias extremes can be seen here produced "electrically" by Joe.

So what you see here in total is… Salt water restructured into fresh water and then made salty and then made even more saltier again. An understanding of the 4 phases of Magnetic Current, or the way energy is Formatted, or the 4 polarities of Magnetic Current would help here. The “Plosions” Demo(above linked) only shows the top and bottom of the Magnetic Field Bias points, not the half way points on the Full Sine Wave. In Biology, it goes like this. The Female Egg has a Positive Positive charge. Her Vagina is Positive Negative. The Male Urethra is Negative Positive and the Sperm are Negative Negative. The Tail is just a Propeller and it’s the North Pole Negative Energy of the sperm that is attracted to the South Pole Positive Field of the egg. You see this clearly when dozens of sperm are trying to drill into the egg, but as soon as one makes it, the Field Polarity “changes” and all the other sperm drop off being no longer attracted to the egg. If the Bio Field Strength of either the male or female isn’t strong enough… you go to an IVF clinic and pray 20K might fix that which they don’t understand. Or you buy a Bio Field Enhancement device like here Healing in the Electric Universe. I built the First prototype in 1997.

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