Tasmanian devil Documentary The Biggest Marsupial Carnivore

3 years ago

The Tasmanian devil or Tasmanian demon (scientific name: Sarcophilus harrisii, from the Greek, sarx, flesh + philos, friend; and harrisii, in honor of George Harris) is a marsupial mammal of the family Dasyuridae, endemic to the island from Tasmania, Australia. Through the fossil record, it is known that the species also inhabited mainland Australia, where it became extinct about three thousand years ago. The causes of this disappearance are unknown, but it is believed to have been influenced by the introduction of dingo, the arrival and expansion of Aborigines and the climatic influence of El NiƱo during the Holocene.

Bearish in appearance, which earned him the scientific description of Didelphis bears, he is a robust and muscular animal. Its coat is dark with white spots in the throat, cheeks and lumbar region. Molar teeth are adapted to your carrion diet. He is an inefficient hunter, preferring small animals. It can be found in several types of habitat, including urban areas, but prefers coastal forests and sclerophytic forests. Nocturnal and lonely, it inhabits a defined living area, but has no territorial tendencies. Occasionally, several animals come together to feed on a carcass, generating aggressive interactions. Promiscuous, they mate once a year, generating litters of two to four puppies, which are weaned at eight months of age. It is the largest carnivorous marsupial in existence, after the extinction of the thylacine, and has ecomorphological convergence with the hyenas.

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