The Personal Unearned Love of Jesus Christ

3 years ago

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In the end of time Jesus told His disciples that the love of many would wax cold. We see this to be true now more than ever. If there is any kind of love it has turned into love of self. This self love has rampaged through the world leaving shattered lives, families destroyed, hearts devastated and in ruins. But there is another love that his not of this world. There are many of God's own people who are love starved, and yet feel that they must do many things to gain back the love they once had and enjoyed in times past.

They begin a dry march of spiritual deadlines and applications trying to catch up so to speak. They find out that it never brings them any nearer to God, and the receiving of the outpouring of His love. But only a feeling of being further away and despondency. Things happen to people that are not their fault, that overwhelm them in this life, causing them to drift away from the Lord unintentionally. They live in spiritual sun-scorched lands, and are dying for thirst from lack of love because all other love has betrayed them.

Fred describes in today's discourse that earthly love is limited to this dimension. This love he talks about is heaven-born, and comes from a Person that is love personified, love embodied, love in purity and unearned. His name is Jesus Christ. The God of Love that is real, immune to decay, is eternal, weighty and penetrating. A love that comes to the love starving people of the world, and enters into their lives, dispelling pain, wounding, bringing about deep healing and restoration.

Without the love of God in the Person of Jesus Christ, we are all nothing. It is not a love earned by doing spiritual exercises, it is a love that comes to us when we stop trying. Lean back, and let God love you. Rest in His love. Rest knowing that His love is alive and requires nothing of you to get it. He will give it freely and envelope you in Him. "Christ's love is like an ocean, you can see it's beginning but not it's end." Charles Spurgeon

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