20210519 Dr. Peter McCullough Interview - "where the truth lies"

3 years ago

Dr Peter McCullough Interview.
Worth 100 times a National Clinical Evidence Covid19 Task Force.

Outlines the evolution of an Early Treatment Protocol

Exposes the "Playbook" of fear by Health Authorities, Governments and Academics; "All roads lead to the Vaccines".
"A Needle in every arm"

Simple Summary
a) Early Treatments are safe , cheap and EFFECTIVE
And your Health Authorities and Government are lying to you and suppressing it.
b) Vaccines are NOT safe and do not offer better protection than Early mutli-drug treatment protocols.

Listen to this video from a Real and Brave Doctor with credentials and thinking power.
The next time you see a "go get your vaccine" message from your Cheif Health Officer, a Politician, a representative of an Academic Taskforce, a Zuckerberg, a Mainstream Media (gutless) "reporter" or even an insipid Doctor that looks no further into the issue than their Health agencies; ask yourself has a single one of them even attempted to treat a Covid19 patient. Ask yourself whay are they gaining more control over you with their message and MOST IMPORTANTLY
Ask yourself; what does your insinct tell you about where the truth lies;

Here's an Eye Opening Documents


You can Download the Peer reviewed based Early Treatment Guide.
When you see this ask yourself - Why doesnt my Docotr give me this conforting knowledge NOW!
In Australia the reason is because the TGA Blocks some of the Medications and the Taskforce actually strongly recommends against key components in the treatment guide; STRONGLY RECOMMENDS AGAINST THEM

It looks like Malfeasance , it smell like Malfeasance; is it Malfeasance ?
Australia's TGA is headed by Adjunct Professor John Skerritt
Australia's National Covid19 Clinical Evidence Task Force is headed by Associate Professor Julian Elliott

Acknowlegement and thanks goes to author John Leake in Dallas, Texas for his interview.

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