Truthzilla Podcast - Happy Thanksgiving/Un-Birthday Extravaganza

3 years ago

First of all, we arrived to record this epicsode and Megan shows up with decorations, balloons, cake, and freaking gifts with wrapping paper that has our faces on them. It only gets better from there!

Standing up to Fascist video clip:

Next, we go over a list of questions that you can pose to people around you, perhaps at a holiday get together, to spark informed debate. Use the following list as a reference. We did not post any sources, only questions. (Some of the questions answer themselves).
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the Truthzilla Mind Militia. Hope you all are well and in good spirits. We wish all of you Intellectual Prosperity.

- Why are walmart and target allowed to stay open and small are businesses forced to close?
- Why are gyms and churches closed but liquor stores and fast food kept open?
- Who is Kary Mullis?

- What are his views on PCR testing?
- When did he die?
- Have the numbers been over-inflated?

- Why did it shift from "total number of deaths" to "total number of cases"?

- What causes more death: flu/pneumonia or covid?
- What causes more death, tuberculosis (extremely contagious) or covid?

- Have the TOTAL NUMBER OF DEATHS worldwide increased year over year from 2020 to past years to account for the pandemic?

- Have the year-over-year numbers for things such as heart disease and cancer gone down because those deaths are now being recorded as "covid" deaths?

- Are flu cases being counted as covid cases?
- Are hospitals being "overrun" with covid cases?
- What is (and always has been) the 2nd most common strain of "the common cold" after the Rhinovirus?
- Did the World Health Organization admit that "asymptomatic carriers" of covid rarely transfer the virus to others?

- Is it true that 99.7+% of people recover from covid?

- What is the average age of death for someone labeled as a covid death?
- How long have scientists been unsuccessfully trying to create a vaccine for the "coronavirus " family of viruses, the 2nd most common strain of "the cold"?
- What is the percentage of people who die after being placed on a ventilator
- Is there a financial incentive for hospitals to place a person on a ventilator?

- Who benefits from a society being shut down?
- Are they the same ones perpetuating the fear?

- What was Event 201?
- Who funded Event 201?

- What is the "Decade of Vaccines"? Who introduced Decade of Vaccines?

- Did Bill Gates say that he expects to get a 20 to 1 return on investment for a global vaccine program?

- Are there any conflicts of interest between Big Pharma companies and people in the regulatory agencies like the CDC, the NIH or the FDA?

- What is the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act? Did it make it so that vaccine manufacturers no longer have any liability? If so, what incentive do vaccine manufacturers have to make a safe product?
- What is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Service? Are doctors -required- to report vaccine injuries?
- Did they skip the placebo based double-blind studies during some covid vaccine trials?

- Did they skip the animal trials during the covid vaccine studies?

- Have previous coronavirus vaccine studies shown that the vaccine kills the animals they were tested on?

- What is an mRNA vaccine? Has it been proven safe and effective?
- How much has been paid out by the Vaccine Courts? (1986 Act)?

- What is an "adjuvant"?
- What states have already mandated covid vaccines before a covid vaccine even exists?

- Has the COVID-19 virus been isolated in a lab?

- Does Dr. Fauci have investment ties in the Wuhan Lab, where the virus originated?
- Does the NIH own -patents- on viruses and vaccines and seek to profit from them?

- Is it true that 100% of the participants in the Moderna covid vaccine trial were injured by the vaccine after the second dose in the higher dose category; 20% of those being very severe?
- Name one time in history when a government took away rights from the citizens and then gave them back.
- Did the Department of Defense release a study indicating that flu vaccine recipients were 36% more likely to catch CORONAVIRUSES?
- What is flu vaccine effectiveness? 10%

- Is covid mutating? Does a vaccine made today work on covid 90 days from now?
- Vaccine takes away mild cold like symptoms and replaces them with severe flu like symptoms with chills so bad people chip their teeth.
- What is co2 level in parts per million with a cloth mask? What is the maximum allowed by OSHA? What are the effects of oxygen deprivation/co2 poisoning over time?
**** The #1 cause of unnatural death in the last 100 years has been governments mass executing their own citizens. You still think this has anything to do with protecting you from a virus?
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