Australia Reconvenes the US Senate Dream Team on Early Treatments - Full Webinar

3 years ago

Webinar Chapters

0:03:00 - Senator Ron Johnson

0:07:20 - Peter McCullough MD Caught Covid-19

0:14:20 - 85% of Covid-19 Deaths Could have been Avoided with Early Treatment

0:18:24 - Criminal behaviour

0:30:17 - Do No Harm

0:55:50 - George Fareed MD

1:01:46 - Not rocket science just common sense - Brian Tyson MD

1:13:53 - Vaccines won't fix Pandemic

1:18:05 - Herd Immunity vs Vaccines

1:24:28 - Lockdown has cost Australia more than any other country in the world

1:31:35 - Vaccines do not have FDA approval

1:37:08 - Emergency Use Authorization rules being flouted by FDA

1:40:42 - mRNA Tech Pros and Cons

1:44:37 - No reason for vaccinating children

1:45:34 - Massive Hole in Clinical Trial Data on Website

1:58:12 - Urgent message to TGA and the COVID-19 Taskforce

Its Absurd that in Australia there are NO Early Treatments for Covid19.
Thats the handy work of their National Covid19 Clinical Evidence Team headed by Associate Professor Julian Elliott.
Add to their "efforts" those of the TGA Headed by John Skerritt the unthinkable , but true , actions to place one of the Key Medications, previously used safely for 50+ years, onto a Poisons List!!
That single "scheduling decision has stopped Australia GP's from saving lives in the fight against Covid19 with the help of this super safe and super abundent and super proven medication ; Hydroxychloroquine.

Many say that the National Covid19 Clinical Evidence Task Force, Headed by Assoc Prof Julien Elliott and essentially a Monash Universtity team , is responsible for the misinformation in Australia on Early Treatments and hence bears a huge burden of accountability for deaths that, but for their presentation of selective negative information, could have been avoided with preventative and early treatments that this task force ought to have made known to the Australian People. Instead this "taskforce" has apparently made efforts to demonize successfull early treatment protocols by cherry picking a fraction of studies that are irrelevent to the early treatment protocols that they should know about and they have declared strong recommendations not to use HCQ or Ivermectin.

Both the TGA and the Taskfroce are schooled by this panel and webinar.
Note Julien Elliott and John Skerritt were invited to attend and ... well they could not make it and made no effort to reach out to any of the panel since this webinar.

In fact John Skerritt was invited over 5 more times to discuss with the memebers of this team and other experts but he "could not see the point".

Removing the option of early treatments appears to be part of a world wide effort to coerce people into accepting Vaccines still in their clinical trial phase.
As such this could constitute breaches of the Nuremberg code and lead to internation crimes hearings.

For everyone watching this video and hopefully sharing it with loved ones, you may find it VERY interesting to download the peer review Early Treatment Guide for Covid19 that is being used to save lives ; it is a guide that John Skerritt and Julian Elliott have been aware of for many months.

They sit by and watch the growing lockdowns, knowing full well that a successful early treatment made available in Australia would avoid all the anguish, frustration and fear funnelling people into believing there is only one way out; clinical trial phase vaccines.

Here is the download link for the US peer reviewed early Treatment Guide.

Many hope international courts will get some justice in place; but much depends on what people do to stand up to this kind of "work" by our government agencies.

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