CNN Tried to Hijack Karen Fann 05/26/2021

3 years ago

Karen held her own. 🙌 CNN Shills are in pure panic mode


CNN ambushes the President of the AZ Senate Karen Fann.

She does a great job of responding to their questions.

In an era of hackable voting machines, and with both major parties doubting the integrity of recent elections, our country cannot continue to repeat the same rudimentary "audits" from the same two companies.

These companies run "logic and accuracy test" before and after elections which make sure the machines are working at the moment they are being tested — without auditing the history of the machines or what happened during the election.

This includes a cursory confirmation that the current software or firmware is the one certified for use by the Secretary of State.

These are the so-called "audits" widely cited by Secretaries of States, election officials, and media organizations.

Subscribe: @KanekoatheGreat

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