Short phrases of God to make you reflect on Him

3 years ago

In the Bible, more specifically in Psalms 145: 18, it is written that “The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth”, in this way, we can see that God is close to all those who call Him they truly seek.

Furthermore, in order to have a close relationship with Him, many resort to prayers and reading His word, which are direct ways of knowing more about God.

In addition, those who believe in the Lord also seek to spread their teachings and phrases about Him to their family and friends, so to help you in this task, we have selected the best short phrases from God for you to share with those you consider special. or to simply read and understand even more the importance of God in your life.

We hope that these phrases will be true blessings in your life and in those you have chosen to share!

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