3 years ago

There is a deadly crisis brewing in our nation’s heartland. On the heels of the Wuhan-pandemic that has devastated the world, another dangerous level 4 bio-lab is set to open in the agricultural belt of our Country in Manhattan, Kansas next year. This story is important and newsworthy, yet the media and politicians are silent. What are they hiding?

The number one goal is to drive awareness and maximize attention on the planned opening of the KThere is a deadly crisis brewing in our nation’s heartland. On the heels of the Wuhan-pandemic that has devastated the world, another dangerous level 4 bio-lab is set to open in the agricultural belt of our Country in Manhattan, Kansas next year. This story is important and newsworthy, yet the media and politicians are silent. What are they hiding?ansas National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility. According to one expert, this lab has a 70% chance to cause a devastating leak within 50 years. A lab researching deadly human and livestock contagions WITH NO KNOWN CURES does not belong on the U.S. mainland.

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