Anthony Fauci Admits Funding Wuhan Lab but Still Denies ‘Gain of Function’ ASL

3 years ago

Rough Transcript:
Hello and welcome! Anthony Fauci Admits Funding Wuhan Lab but Still Denies ‘Gain of Function’ Gain of F means that "“taking a virus that could infect humans and making it either more transmissible and/or pathogenic for humans.”" Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) claimed Tuesday Dr. Gloom committed perjury May 12 over his gain of function comments related to communist China’s Wuhan lab. Paul was asked on Real America’s Voice, “Do you believe he [Fauci] perjured himself?”
“Absolutely, he lied to the American people.”
Paul explains: There was gain of function research going on with Dr. Shi Zhengli at the Wuhan Institute.
In her paper, she actually thanked Dr. Fauci and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which is a part of National Institutes of Health (NIH) that Dr. Fauci runs.
It’s listed at the end of the paper. This paper was fined by NIAID research, and it lists a ten-digit number that identifies the research money she got from the United States. Was it gain of function? Well, it took a SARS virus, which is a coronavirus, that’s 15 times more deadly than COVID, and it added to it S protein, which is something in the surface of it, to make it more easily infectious to epithelial cells for the respiratory tract. That, to me, is gain of function. Paul also said two scientists, one from Rutgers University and another from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, confirmed the paper studies gain of function.
Paul said Wednesday on Fox News that Fauci should not be able to conduct an investigation into the origins of the Chinese flu, asserting he is compromised by his funding of the lab.
Bill Hemmer asked, “You allege today it’s a cover-up?”
Paul responded, “No, there could be a cover-up. There is an incentive by people like Dr. Fauci not to reveal anything because he would be then culpable because he was in charge of funding this lab. He personally approved it.”
The Biden administration has called for the World Health Organization to investigate. But the World Health Organization is heavily influenced by the Chinese Communist Party.
Dr Facui will have a lot to answer for. What will we see? Guess we will have to wait and see...
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