Wine About It With Erin Elmore And Benny Johnson - 05/26/21

3 years ago

From new merch to spicy memes, Benny Johnson is busy. When you meet Benny, you quickly find out that he’s lively. When you get to know him, you wonder how this fireball of boundless energy is actually human. He smiles his way from his Newsmax show "the Benny Report," to his work as the CCO for Turning Point USA, then onto making social media’s funniest memes, which has now been translated into some of the funniest Benny Johnson Collection shirts you’ve ever read:

“Kamala is a cop”

“Joe Biden can’t read this”

“Cry More, Lib.”

And of course: “The Left Can’t Meme”

When he’s done with all of these powerhouse activities, Benny is a doting husband to Nurse Kate and Dad to baby Ellouise. Given all of this, I deserve a medal for getting the "Benn-ergizer Bunny" to sit down with me to “Wine About It”.

We talked cancel culture, our current president, and the future of America. Tune in for an insightful, hilarious episode with the Meme Master himself, Benny Johnson!

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