Learn Excel Basics in 10 min| How to move or navigate in excel the fastest way

3 years ago

Hello friends welcome to my channel Smart Core. This video is about the most basic element of working in a most optimised and time economical way of working in MS Excel. A faster Navigation reduces your time taken to work in excel upto 50%.

Shortcuts used:
To add a new column - CTRL +Space, CTRL + "+"
To Delete a column - CTRL + Space, CTRL + "-"
Navigate Right - CTRL + Right Arrow
Navigate Left - CTRL + Left Arrow
Navigate Upward - CTRL + Up Arrow
Navigate Downward - CTRL + Down Arrow
Selection of Cells Right - SHIFT + CTRL + Right Arrow
Selection of Cells Left - SHIFT + CTRL + Left Arrow
Selection of Cells Upward - SHIFT + CTRL + Up Arrow
Selection of Cells Downward - SHIFT + CTRL + Down Arrow
Navigate forward between worksheets CTRL + Page Down
Navigate Backward between worksheets CTRL + Page up
Navigate between two or more open excel files CTRL + Tab
Navigate between two or more open diffrent application files Alt + Tab or Windows + Tab

Please feel free to write to me @ coresmart195@gmail.co

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