Will You Be A Friend To The Bridegroom And Pray_

3 years ago

Hello, brothers and sisters and Heartdwellers family. May you all be blessed and console the aching heart of Jesus that hurts for his church.

One of my brothers in the community and I were talking, and he was telling me about Pope Francis and how he has taken a stand for Biden, his policies, even encouraging those in the Vatican to support him. Also encouraging everyone to take the vaccine, according to ReligionNews.com. I will have the article available for you in the description. I thought to myself, “Whaaatt?” Then again, I am not surprised at all. The Lord gave me a message about him a year ago, which was very telling. But I submitted it to Mother Clare and Father Ezekiel, and they thought that it was best for me to put the message on the shelf until the appointed time.

Everyone speculates that he is the false prophet that is spoken off in Revelation 13:1-18, but that is not true. He is simply another forerunner. I treat this topic with fear and trembling and kid gloves just as I would if I was speaking about any minister because the Lord desires that we don’t judge those he puts in authority, but to pray for them.

1 Timothy 2:1-3, “First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be offered for everyone—for kings and all those in authority—so that we may lead tranquil and quiet lives in all godliness and dignity. This is good and pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth”.

As a former Protestant, I've had many judgments towards the Catholic Church. And now, as a Heartdweller, I carry the Lord’s heart for His church— all of his church, Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, and all the other independent branches. I love God’s church, and I so desire to see unity among us because it will bring Jesus so much joy. However, He has also made me stand for truth, and to speak the truth in love. As it says in…
1 Corinthians 13:6,“Love takes no pleasure in evil but rejoices in the truth.”

Although we must be very careful not to tear down the Catholic Church, or any church for that matter. Because when we do, we are tearing at our own body. Literally, we make up the mystical body of Christ. And when we speak against each other it’s as though we are lashing, scratching, and punching at the Body of Christ wounding Jesus all over again and wounding ourselves in the process. Yet, we say we love him. We cannot love God without loving one another. Simply, loving the sick body of Christ which we all are a part of.

So, this message is from our Jesus’s tender heart, that is broken over the infidelity and state of his church, and its leadership. He is calling us to pray for its leader.

After our conversation during prayer that following morning, the Lord played the Sorrowful Mystery Rosary in my worship playlist. When I began to pray it, my heart was so grieved. And I began to cry so deeply for the Catholic Church. I thought, “How many will have been, and will be, led astray? To also have the same sentiments as their leader, Pope Francis, who supports things that we know are not the will of God". As I was crying, I realized that the pain was too deep and that it had to be Jesus crying too. I could feel His sorrow, and sadness so deeply. Which made me cry even more, hurting for Him and hurting for the Church.

He played a song about returning to our first love and I knew he was speaking about the state of the Church and was calling his Bride to return back to her first love.

I could sense Jesus wanted to speak to me, so I stopped and said,

“Jesus, I am here to listen, and to comfort your broken heart. I can sense what you're feeling, Lord. Is that on your heart?”

Jesus began,
“My beloved, your sentiments are my own. Our hearts are one. Remember, I know your heart is aching also, and hurting. I want to bring you words of comfort to restore your peace and faith in what I am doing. I know you’re hesitant to talk about it, but I would like for you to share this area of your life that you have laid down at the altar for Me. It will bless and enrich so many to follow suit and to do the same.

“That is, to love as I have loved, to give all for all, and to not give up on a promise that seems forsaken. I know that you love him, and he loves you deeply too. But it’s still in a fight of confusion and fear of letting go of what is safe, and familiar. And trusting his heart to lead him rather than his head. This turnaround is right around the corner. And now, you have come to know my heart for my church.”

I can imagine that some of you are confused at what he is talking about. But I love how Jesus knows the thoughts of our hearts and is so sweet to address them first. Although I was hurting for him, He was right, I was hurting too — and very surprised that He brought this up. But he is referring to my ex-fiancé. I was engaged when I came on the mountain and had to choose between following the Lord or getting married. The Lord promised he would restore things., So, I laid this promise at the altar. It has been two years now. I had spoken to him recently and it seemed that he was coming around, but he is still in the world, and still in a dead relationship, which pierced my heart.

Jesus continued, “It was I who was grieving through you and in you today as your heart weighs heavy for My bride. My church, that continues to go astray, broken by division, indifference, and led away by foreign lovers who don’t have her best interests, but their own interests of power and glory. When I set up my church, I left it not only with the Holy Spirit but with twelve apostles. Although very weak men, I knew each of them loved me deeply and loved the church like their own. They were and are still indeed friends of the bridegroom”.

John 3:29
The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom's voice. That joy is mine, and it is now complete.

“What friend of a young man who is getting married wouldn’t watch over the “to be bride” with such diligence, care, and protection, to ensure she would be faithful, pure and ready and worthy to be given over to their friend? The apostles, one by one, laid down their lives for the church, quite literally. All meeting a martyr’s death, besides my beloved John, who lived a life of martyrdom just like My Mother. There is no greater love than this; to lay down one’s life for a friend. They loved me so much that they laid down their lives for My bride, for My Church, for their friend. However, it’s no longer the same as it was in the Early Church that I started. For years and centuries now I have been far removed as the friend and as the first love. They have erected buildings, basilicas, and filled my church with activities and feast days all seeming pious, but neglecting Me. When I raised up the apostles, I raised men after my own heart. Now you have in place men and leaders after their own agenda.

Peter was a leader not because of his strength, but because I knew he had a heart of a lion and, with my grace, and My Spirit indwelling in him, he would be zealous and bold for truth, for my glory and fiercely protecting the young and ever-growing church. You now have a man leading My Church whom I never appointed. One who is tolerable to all and to everything. One who has made secret pacts with those in high and lofty places and leading my church into blindness and serious indifference. He is not the true pope. And just as I called you to pray for your nation and for Obama, to ensure the livelihood of your nation. I am calling you, my brides, not to judge, but to pray for my beloved Church.

Remember, when you speak against the Church you are speaking against My bride and your own flesh. Because whether you believe it or not, you are all one in my eyes, but sorely divided. My heart is breaking my faithful brides. My Church is being led away by a foreign lover with foreign agendas to my plan. But I still love my Church greatly and I will never give up on her. I wait patiently for her to return to Me and that can only come by your prayers. The gates of hell will not prevail against My Church no matter how Satan tries, he will not conquer her. He’s done much to strip her of her respect and honor and cause her sisters to tear and rip her apart, but My Mother is the Gate of Heaven and all who come to her will enter in.

I am calling you my precious Heartdwellers, to please pray, pray, for its leader Pope Francis to have a fear of the Lord. Pray for strong conviction and illumination of repentance. Pray for his motives to be made pure because he is My son also. Pray that the ungodly unions My church has come in covenant with will be nullified. And once He is removed the weak would not be scandalized but brought back into my sheepfold of truth. Pray that every wicked agenda to break the influence My True Church would be rendered impotent and more would wake up to the truth and return back to Me, their first love. Pray, pray, my beloved faithful brides. I need you now to be a friend to the bridegroom and fiercely protect his other bride through prayer and intercession, not judgment. Pray!”

That was the end of Jesus’ message.

Interestingly enough, today is Pentecost, in honor of the Holy Spirit’s first descent on the disciples after Jesus’ ascension. So, let’s also ask Holy Spirit to rush upon the Church like never before and turn hearts back to Jesus. Let’s also pray the St. Michael the Arch Angel prayer, which was given to Pope Leo XIII, on Oct.1,1884. He had a deeply disturbing mystical experience at Mass. He had just finished celebrating a private mass when he entered a trance for about ten minutes. He explained that he had heard two voices in the chapel and believed they were the voices of Our Lord and of Satan. Pope Leo heard Satan boast that he could destroy the Church in 75 or 100 years, if given the opportunity. Then he heard Our Lord give Satan permission to try. (This sounds familiar because it’s the same thing happened in Job 1). Funny thing is we are within that earmarked time, but the Holy Spirit gave him this prayer to give to the church to use in thwarting the plans of Satan to destroy the Catholic Church.

“Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls”.

Amen, In Jesus’ Name. God bless you, guys, until the next message

Hello, fellow Heartdwellers, blessings to you all…
I am one of the intercessors for the channel, and this is a message that I received from Blessed Mother on May the 18th, and Mother Elisha has requested that I share it with you all. We know that the Lord uses our covering many times to convey direction. So… I said “Yes”, and here I am…

In the wee hours of the morning of that day, I came to prayer under heavy oppression, which I must say I had been carrying for a couple of weeks. Mainly because I had been very spotty in my prayer time and lazy. I had gone in the world, per se. I went to a hotel for a few days with my family to celebrate my Father’s 70th birthday, and that took a big toll on my usual prayer time with the Lord. And of course, the enemy took advantage of that to demoralize me and to even cause me to self-condemn. So, that morning I went to the Lord to seek guidance on how to recapacitate. But the readings scared me a bit because one of them said, ‘I must reflect that I have a soul to save and an eternity that awaits me. That the world, riches, pleasures, and honors will pass away… And so, to take care… ‘
And I went for another one, which said, “When you see these things happening, know that He is near, at the gates.”
And the third one was even scarier to me because it mentioned that I had a longing for money and for what it gives; like superfluities, luxuries and, even fans… Like I had a following… I don’t know of any following that I have…
And it went on to say that my needs will increase due to that longing, because one thing brings another, and the result will be endless dissatisfaction…
So, I reached out to my covering, completely distraught. By then I was completely out of it, feeling really bad. I was asking her to please help me figure this out; that I hated this cycle of failing my Jesus. Because I would continuously fall into these cold streaks in my walk with Him, and that those readings are not new to me… I said to her that I had almost an hour trying to pray and in adoration, but my mind was all over the place, and lukewarmness was sickening me… I said to her that self-will and disobedience were killing me --- as if I couldn’t even control myself... I also mentioned that; I’m now 40 with nothing to show for it, nothing at all… and that maybe that was what the rhemas were about…
And I heard the voice of someone say to me, “You’re so picky… “
And I thought, “What was that?” And I went and got another rhema that said, “The Blessed Mother”. And another that said, “Anyone who wants to be true Christian must mortify His flesh for no other reason but devotion to Jesus who, for love of us, mortified His entire body on the cross.” And the third rhema said plainly, “Mercy”.
I remembered that every time you get rhema there is someone speaking to you. So I said, “Thank you Blessed Mother for praying for me, please continue to pray for me”. And then, I felt this urge to write down a message…
And Blessed Mother began,
“Feed your flesh and you’ll continually be fleshy, feed your spirit and you’ll grow exponentially in the spirit. You are called, answer the call, my son. You were never meant to sit and be a spectator, you were always supposed to rise to the occasion. But your flesh is holding you back. You’re in the back seat because you have chosen to be lazy, and the oppression is for your own good, you know that. If it weren’t for that, you would have been very far away, lost in your vices and sin. But Love has kept you and chained you to itself so that even as it moves, and though you’re unaware, He makes you to participate in the graces He pours out to His faithful ones”.

(And at that moment, I’m thinking; Faithful one?! I’m not faithful…”)
She continued saying, “It’s no secret that you’re not faithful, but you have understood and know it’s hard for you because you’re called to be the most faithful.”
At that point, I asked her, “Is it all about self-will for me Mother?”
And she answered, “Not entirely. You have great waves of interference against you, which of course you were given the grace to overcome. And yes, also laziness and the unwillingness to go beyond yourself to remember certain things and to be responsible with certain things.” And she went silent for a second and then said...
“With an act of the Will alone you may vanquish self-will.”
Then I asked, “What act is that Blessed Mother?”
And she responded, saying; “Violence to the flesh, at every occasion until it becomes second nature. And the demons will stop flocking to that little hole that many times opens due to that sin. It’s opened by that very demon of self-will that influences you through laziness and apathy, to which you are very weak. You only have to ask for the strength against those and it will be given”.
So guys, at that point… I asked… I asked for the grace; I asked for strength. After I did, I felt the urge to stand up and stretch; after I asked for the strength to vanquish laziness and apathy. I also felt a nudge to take my routing sword and slice through them and to be violent in the act of removing their heads. I pierced it with my sword and then I removed it, I detached it from their bodies. As I threw their heads with the sword, instead of slicing, I just removed them from their bodies. And I as I threw them to release them by shaking and flinging the sword. I felt that I should pick them and throw them in the air and hit them with the same sword as if with a bat, which I did. And then I sat down.
After I asked Blessed Mother, “So, what else, Mother?”
After asking I went got a rhema, for some reason, and the first read as follow:
“We must actively seek to carry out God’s will and passively accept all that His will sends us… This state is a gift of our entire being to God for Him to use as He pleases.”
And the next rhema said:
“Why do you allow your sufferings to burden you? Do you not know that these shall bring sweet fruit for the Kingdom of God? Know that I Am in control.”
Then I got a random message from YouTube of a guy speaking about BINDING THE STRONGMEN OF BAAL OVER MY LIFE, OVER MY FINANCES, TO BREAK THE DROUGHT IN MY LIFE… Because really there is a drought in finances also, which brings a lot of friction between me and my wife. The guy was saying that I need to learn from the Lord how to bind the drought over my life…
And I went to the Lord asking, “Is it your will Lord, I that I bind Baal over my Life? I don’t believe this was a coincidence…”
I got “Obedience” from the Bible Promises.
So I asked the Lord, “How do I do this?”
I went to get Rhema messages again from the website and got the following:
“Give yourself up to all His (Holy Spirit’s) transports and have no fear. He is so wise and gentle and discreet, that he never brings about anything but good. How good this Holy Spirit, this Comforter, is to all, but how supremely good He is to those who seek Him.”
And the next rhema said:
“Say not; I cannot take these things from such a man, and things of this kind are not to be suffered by me for he has done me great injury, and he upbraids me with things I never thought of.”
What that means to me is that I should never say that I’m not going to take that, from this person, because what they’re doing to me is really bad and I don’t deserve it. So, the Lord is telling me that such a thought is foolish because I’m not considering the virtue of patience for which I will be crowned.
So, I was very puzzled because I started getting this weird sensation that suffering was coming. Blessed Mother did mention suffering, that suffering was coming. And the next word I got was,
“Suffering seemed to spring out of the ground”.
And I said, “Oh-oh… is there a suffering coming Lord?”
For this question, I got, “Humility”.
Psalm 25:9, “He leads those without pride into what is right and teaches them his ways…”
The thought came to me, “I’m going to lose my job…?”
So, I asked the Lord, “Am I going to lose my job?”, and I got,

“Prayer” –– which is a Yes…
1 John 5:14-15, “We are sure that if we ask for anything that He wants us to have, He will hear us. If we are sure He hears us when we ask, we can be sure He will give us what we ask for.”
The answer scared me but there was this peace because it was like He was putting me at ease so that I wouldn’t be frantic when it is to happen. And the thought came to me that it will be because of the vaccine, to which I got, “Yes”.
Zechariah 13:9, “And I will bring the third part through the fire, I will make them pure like silver is made pure. I will test them as gold is tested. They will call on my Name and I will answer them. I will say, ‘They are my people’ and they will say, ‘The Lord is my God’”.

Guys, more trials are coming to the body, and coincidentally, my son yesterday told me, “I don’t like that job for you Daddy”.
So, trials are coming to the body and a lot of us are going to suffer, lose their jobs and go through hardships. But, from my understanding so far, it’s not going to be so bad to the point of famine. We’re going to have enough; He’s going to supply. However, the trial will come because He is purifying us. It’s a time that’s coming to separate between those that are really for Him and those that are not, there will be a clear separation.
So, let’s pray for those that will lose their jobs, like myself. Let’s pray for those that are going to be frantic, nervous, and worried; let’s pray that they find their strength in the Lord.
This was the message from the Lord and Blessed Mother. If you’re like me and feeling that you have not been faithful enough in your prayer time, and have not spent the time that you should with the Lord, just remember that it’s not about what you do with Him and for Him, but it’s about His Love for you. Because He died for and did everything already. If you’re feeling unsatisfied with all that; because you’re feeling a separation from Him; because you’re not dedicating enough time to Him, that also is a lie from the enemy. Remember that He is always there with His arms wide open. So, do not let the oppression take you over. Don’t let it happen!
If you have some things to take care of, like myself who allows the flesh to take control, (I allow laziness to govern me and apathy) if you’re like me and these things are plaguing you, He has just told you to just ask for the strength to vanquish self-will and all it’s acylates, and you will…
So, let’s take our swords guys, and move forward with a victorious mindset.

I bless you now. May the Lord Bless you and may He shine His light before you, May He be the lamp at your feet. I pray that He guides you through this time that is coming, and He gives you this Peace that only comes from Him, the Peace that surpasses all understanding.
And I bless you in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
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