Dark Outpost 05-25-2021 The Suicide Murders

3 years ago

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It would seem that the normies/ sheeple of the world have not batted an eye at the fact that 14 wealthy celebrities and one royal have all died in the same manner in the past few years, under very similar and bizarre circumstances. Perhaps this is because the mainstream media refuses to report on their connections to elite pedophilia rings which tie directly to powerful people in Washington, Hollywood, and the mainstream media. People on the last presidential ticket in fact. We’ll identify those celebrities. Brice Watson of Esoteric Atlanta continues our deep dive into the missing books of the Bible and the Josh Duggar case as well. Plus…Brice’s boyfriend and his band! Leave the world you think you know behind and join us at the Dark Outpost! Watch the full show at https://watch.darkoutpost.tv!

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