Hunting strange UFOS in Space !

3 years ago

This strange but very real video was recorded by NASA satellites, but what is the truth of this amazing hunt and why has NASA been lying to the world for 30 years and then such an important document is being released to the world? I have been in contact with this document for 1 month. My research report is as follows This space hunt is on October 17, 2019. In this video, there are two flying saucers that look like the plates of giant triangular birds that are flying to Mars.

On October 25, my secret source in Area 51 and another secret source in the Committee sent me 300 valuable reports. I was really surprised that this flying saucer had traveled to Earth to transport a foreign creature in the Baltic Sea, and after reaching an agreement with the Dark Lords. Behind the scenes of the world, a technology was transmitted to humans and this alien was transferred to its base on Mars. The birds destroyed that hidden flying saucer in Nevada and the United States a full plate Ten of these mysterious aliens were hunting on the island of Micronesia with the help of creepy aliens and the only conclusion I got really complicated news.

Hiding facts from humanity cannot help conspiracy governments, and I warn humanity against the large-scale campaign of a large fleet of UFOs to Earth. Take this warning seriously. We are at a historic moment after World War II in the hope of peace. In the solar system, I hate fighting extraterrestrials. We are not alone in the world.

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